"CHALLENGE HEART" Demo Song 特別公開❕

2016に制作した京香作曲&作詞の曲『CHALLENGE HEART』を特別公開!

声優、歌手、MC、それぞれの力をつけるためにはじめた自作ラジオオーディオ「京香、勝手にラジオ?!」。テーマソングとして音源を一からつくったのが『CHALLENGE HEART』です。新しいことに挑戦、人生を楽しむことという気持ちを込めて仕上がり、一緒に仕事していた当時の人たちに現在の実力とその成長を見せることを目的に送りつけていました。

In year 2016, the original demo audio to the song written by Kyoka called "Challenge Heart" is now out to the public!

As a voice actress, singer, and such, wanting to strengthen the abilities as an artist and show to the previous coworkers the abilities of an artist, began the creating of the small series originally made by Kyoka "Kyoka, Katteni Radio?!" or in English, "Kyoka just made a radio show?!"

Made by scratch, in the process of creating the radio audio the theme song "CHALLENGE HEART" was also put together. The song included messages to "do what you love", "enjoy life" & "challenge on to new things". The Radio like audio was created and sent forcefully to the coworkers (joke).

Kyoka Official Website



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